Version 1.1.13

Bhavacakra Maco

Not wanting to contest a title with her elder brother who is 11 years senior, she chooses to leave her hometown behind.

This patch concludes Jordin story arc. There are only several stuff left to tie up for the game. Big things that need to be done to call the game complete are - ⨭The witch's revenge side story arc ⨭The skeleton bandits of Baldar ⨭The island of Wind exploration And there are a few side quests that may be added. The game is almost done. Currently, I am dividing my spare time between this and the new upcoming game equally but I am going to be spending more and more time on the new project. Basically, updates for this game will be less frequent. [b]What's been added:[/b] 1. A side quest "Blissful assassination" added. This will conclude the shortened Jordin story arc, allowing Areta to be recruited. 2. The side quest "The ill girl" can finally be completed. [b]Below is a list of changes/fixes:[/b] 1. I've never adjusted Areta's skills ever since her skill list was created, and that was like a long time ago. So, her skills needed to be adjusted. Her spells were mostly, massively, boosted.