Version 1.05 Released

Super Angling

Super Angling is a game focused on the classic pastime of fishing. Explore the open world looking to discover all of the species. On a raft, boat, or offshore, join in, relax and drop a line.

Build 1.05 has been released. The following items have been addressed: [list] [*] Shop lists now update detail section on mouse over rather than just selected item based on keyboard input. [*] Changed titles of tabs in Shop from Buy/Sell to Buying/Selling to avoid confusion that these must be clicked to complete actions. [*] Fixed Appearance Dialog face preview to always be aligned with the face. In some cases it was not always aligned in the center. [*] Fixed Buy/Sell tab highlight color to be standard. [*] Fixed colors of scrollbars and sliders to be consistent with theme. [/list]