Version 0.42 now available!

Super Trench Attack 2

You are Ada Frost, a lieutenant of the blue army. You find yourself deep behind enemy lines, with the stolen black army plans in your hands, you can end the war. That is, if you and your squad can make it home alive!

Good news is the game is almost finished now! This version I've fixed up alot of minor bugs, added alot of extra functionality, and rebalanced a few things also. Overall I'm pretty happy with it, I had a blast playing it through today, I managed to survive sector 7 somehow with just Ada. I get the feeling though it might still be a bit too hard, I had to pull off a tonne of different tactics to beat the game four times, during testing. Anyway the only bug I found was a rare one, a dog got stuck running back and forwards. If you spot anything else let me know, I'll be adding the enemy deserter units next which you can rescue and use. Yes that means you can use the awesome attack dog! Leave a comment/review if you want to help out, feedback is good :) Paul (We're also doing a 50% sale off next week, so if you like the game tell a friend! It won't be on sale again for awhile)