Version 0.12 is coming on June 22nd!

Vae Victis - Khan

Conquest and seduction, sexual dominance and fiefdom management; Forging an empire is a brutal business where you must balance the needs of your budding Khaganate with your own desires. In this revenge story meets an empire simulator, the risks are high but the bounties are heavenly...

On June 22nd, version 0.12 will be available on Steam. What's inside? Since I spoiled the details of this update a week ago, in this post I will only address a new feature called Narrative. In a nutshell, the Narrative is how Karder views the world and the source of his ambition. The Narrative is [b]only[/b] used in certain conversations and is [b]never[/b] a deciding factor on whether the player will have access to lewd scenes on any content. I created this mechanism so players could approach Karder in different ways and for me to be able to explore Karder's personality a little deeper than "mine! want it!". [list] [*]If Karder's Narrative is [b]Benign[/b], Karder sees his goal to become the Khan as an effort to prevent the chaos and bloodshed caused by the disintegration of the khaganate. He also remembers his late father fondly and have a softer attitude towards fatherhood. [*]If Karder's Narrative is [b]Vengeful[/b], Karder is out to get what's his and woe to anyone who stands in his way. He was wronged, and he wants revenge. In Vengeful mood Karder sees his late father as a weak ruler and wishes to become his opposite. [/list] Narrative is governed by Fame. When Fame is high, the Narrative will automatically switch to benign and when it is very negative, it switches to Vengeful. Again: whichever Narrative the game is on, you can always still choose [b]any[/b] path you want, Dominance or Seduction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44639047/24872607d7605bc97d169e5ab246e79ab68a7aef.png[/img]