Vae Victis - Khan 2?

Vae Victis - Khan

Conquest and seduction, sexual dominance and fiefdom management; Forging an empire is a brutal business where you must balance the needs of your budding Khaganate with your own desires. In this revenge story meets an empire simulator, the risks are high but the bounties are heavenly...

Vae Victis - Khan will come to an end. I am not sure exactly when, but I believe I’ll finish the game in about 2-3 updates. I won’t reveal the end but I guarantee it will be satisfying, no cliffhangers or other nasty tricks. Which brings me to the question: what’s next? I want to stay in the Twin Sisters continents for the next game. I have put a lot of effort into world building and I think it will be fun for me (and you) to explore it some more. What I’m not currently sure about, is what exactly will the next project look like. I have three rough ideas which I will present below. While this is not a poll, I would still love to hear your opinions on these ideas. [list] [*]Vae Victis - Khan 2. This is the most straightforward option. In VVK1 Karder have beaten Queen Remy’s armies and have taken the throne but not the continent, but the rest of the Western Sister nations, whose armies are stronger, are still defiant, perhaps openly led by some Wakabian leader. This will have a structure similar to the current game, only you will have Queen Remy and Karder’s sisters at your custody. [*]Older Karder. This will also have similar mechanisms as VVK1, but will be set in Karder’s future where, as an older Khan, he faces new challenges. Perhaps forces within the khaganate threaten to tear his life’s project apart or a new enemy emerges. The mood will be a bit darker and melancholy, as Karder reflects upon his life and perhaps strives to achieve one more great deed while he still can. While I have no intention to make Karder a fragile old man (he will always kick ass), he will also feel his age from time to time and his character will have a little more somber quality. Lewdness wise, it will have a strong, powerful “zaddy Vs. young ladies” vibe and probably less milfs. [*]The AVN. The third option I’m thinking of is the most different from the others. From a storytelling perspective, one of the main disadvantages of VVK1 is that the abundance of ladies makes it hard for me to tell a long story, with twists, slow burn and emotional engagement. Although I do think Karder’s lifestyle somewhat resembles Genghis Khan’s, it is still not a good platform for telling longer and more engaging stories. Hence I’m thinking about an AVN set in the Twin Sisters continent, where the MC is not Karder. I’m considering having a young veteran of “Karder’s Reunification Wars”. who returns to his village where his mother is now the village matriarch. Due to the war most of the men are gone and the village is populated mostly with women, including his matriarch mother, sisters and other potential love interests. Perhaps his father has also gone to fight and his whereabouts are unknown, adding a layer of tension to the atmosphere. This option benefits from the Twin Sisters lore but will have a more classic AVN build. [/list] Fetish wise, all options described above will have the same themes you know and love. I love the option of choosing nobler and/or darker paths and these will still be present in any future game I’ll write. As I wrote earlier: this is not a poll, but rather an invitation to discussion. I also want to make it clear that nothing in this post is a commitment, consider it rough ideas. Again: an invitation for discussion.