We are pleased to announce the implementation of a new Time Attack mode.
What is Time Attack mode?
- It is a mode in which players compete for the elapsed time to clear the game.
- The elapsed time is recorded from the start of the 10th level until the game is cleared.
- The time measurement continues even after the game is over and the level is lowered.
- The time recorded at each level is the cumulative playing time at that level.
- If you want to reset the elapsed time, you can try again by selecting "Start over from the beginning" in Pause.
- In addition, the difficulty level is set higher in the Time Attack mode, which makes the game even more tense.
Players who clear the game in less than 3 hours will be released an achievement, so please give it a try!
If you have any questions or requests, please write to us on Discord, SteamCommunity, etc.
Discord: https://discord.gg/ajawXaQqnK
SteamCommunity: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2403260/discussions/
Thank you for your continued support of the Ancient Weapon Holly.