[ver1.2] New: Ability to reset the skill tree only once.

A new function has been implemented in ver1.2! [b]New feature: Ability to reset the skill tree only once[/b]. The details of the function are as follows. [list] [*] All skills in the skill tree in the Play Mode can be reset only once. [*] When you reset your skills, the magic stones, gems, and soul stones will be added to the number of skills you have. [*] However, you can only use it once, so think carefully about when to use it! [*] If the game is over without releasing the skills in the skill tree after resetting, the number of possession will be reduced to 0! [/list] If you have any questions or requests, please write to us on Discord, SteamCommunity, etc. Discord:https://discord.gg/ajawXaQqnK SteamCommunity:https://steamcommunity.com/app/2403260/discussions/ Thank you for your continued support of Ancient Weapon Holly. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2403260/