Ver 3.7.10 Cat Scratchbook


[Single player JRPG] Take your cat on a time-traveling adventure!

[h2]Cat Scratchbook[/h2] [h3]Information[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/ac45b26648019fc8758a2e32624611cef98c851f.png[/img] Starting Location: Spacetime Rift ・Chapter 25 of the Main Story (Part 1) must be cleared. ・Start the Cat Scratchbook unlock event by visiting the Spacetime Rift after updating to version 3.7.10. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/90370ce5e6d1033d50d966435ee6c06f67c8b99c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/977fcb2ac57d5ae4ac6f538807d8b670d802531e.png[/img] Use the entries in the Cat Scratchbook to find cats out on walks around the world. Find them to get prizes! You have a chance to receive prizes such as Key Cards or Chronos Stones, and you will also receive a stamp in your Scratchbook for finding a cat. Collect Scratchbook stamps to earn Majestic Furballs, which can be traded in the Cats' Saucer for gear with special Abilities. Your Scratchbook will level up based on factors like finding cats on Scratchbook trips, as well as Main Story progress. A higher-level Scratchbook means cats can visit more places, gives you more cats to look for daily, and will raise the weekly cap on stamps you can receive. Cat Scratchbook Campaign To celebrate the release of the Cat Scratchbook, we're holding a campaign where an extra cat can be found wandering around. Don't miss this chance to raise the level of your Scratchbook and earn more rewards! ▼Duration From the Ver 3.7.10 Update to May 26, 2024 14:59 (UTC) [h2]New Encounters[/h2] [h3]Encounter Characters[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/5131a0e769878f680e8096f2ccdba32143f0394e.png[/img] ・Encounter Yakumo Another Style Högni to encounter the new Sidekick Kumos: Another Style. *If you already have the Sidekick Kumos, the new Style (Another Style) will be added [h3]New Feature: Sidekick Styles[/h3] In Version 3.7.10, released Sidekick Kumos will receive a new Style. If you already have the Sidekick Kumos and you Encounter Yakumo's Another Style (Högni), you will be able to change Kumos to Another Style via the Sidekick Details screen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/c9e5774111ee6df4b11315f1535736dafbf70224.png[/img] [h2]Update Information[/h2] The app must be updated to version 3.7.10. [h3]New Content[/h3] Cat Scratchbook added [h3]The following Encounters will open.[/h3] [table][tr][th][Fateful Encounter] Another Style Högni <Kumos: Another Style>[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]You can encounter the following 5★ class character at a 10% encounter rate on the tenth encounter. [*]Yakumo Another Style (Högni)[/*] Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters [*]Yakumo Another Style (Högni)[/*] [u]*Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points.[/u][/td][td][u]Paid only 3 times max Until June 2, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th][Fateful Encounter] Amber Heroes Edition[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]You can encounter one of the 5★ class characters listed below on the tenth encounter. [*]Daisy Another Style (Prthivi)[/*][*]Ewella Another Style (Oberon)[/*][*]"Blooming Blade" Akane[/*][*]Wenefica[/*][*]Orleya Another Style (Sigrdrifa)[/*][*]"Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa[/*][*]Melody Another Style (Medea)[/*][*]Felmina Extra Style (Erinys)[/*][*]Elseal[/*][*]Flammelapis Another Style (Völva)[/*][/td][td][u]Paid only 2 times max Until June 2, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th][Fateful Encounter] Lapis Heroes Edition[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]You can encounter one of the 5★ class characters listed below on the tenth encounter. [*]Kuchinawa[/*][*]Oboro[/*][*]Cerius[/*][*]"Dream Weaver" Dunarith[/*][*]Garambarrel Another Style (Ymir)[/*][*]Claude Extra Style (Kelkale)[/*][*]"Jet Tactician" Shion[/*][*]Red Clad Flam.[/*][*]Hardy Another Style (Maverick)[/*][*]Cetie Another Style (Crimson Ray)[/*][/td][td][u]Paid only 2 times max Until June 2, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th]Another Style Högni <Kumos: Another Style>[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]Chronos Stones (Free) can be used. Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters [*]Yakumo Another Style (Högni)[/*] [u]*Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points.[/u][/td][td][u]Until June 9, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [h3]Cat Express Ticket Eligible Dungeons added[/h3] Omegapolis (Hard) *When using the Skip function, Phase Shifts do not occur (and Phase Crystals cannot be obtained) *By using a Cat Express Ticket, you will not receive EXP or Git from winning battles, or certain drop-amount-limited items. *For items that drop from enemies that respawn continually, you will receive an amount within a fixed range. *Some Dungeons allow you to choose your route. After defeating the bosses that appear at the end of those routes and clearing, you will be able to skip those routes. *Routes that require items or certain conditions to be met to proceed are not eligible for the Skip function. *For Episodes, etc., that give Key Item collection bonuses to certain characters when in the party, these bonuses will not activate when using the Skip function. *The list of Dungeons eligible for Cat Express Tickets is planned to be expanded in the future. [h3]Added new content to the Replay Story feature.[/h3] ・Kuchinawa Character Quest 3 ・"Virtual Reflection" Ciel ・Episode: The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III) *Uncleared quests will not be displayed. *We are planning to add more stories to the Replay Story feature in the future. [h3]Added the following features.[/h3] Added a feature that allows you to prevent the Phase Amplifier from shutting down once per day to the Guide of the Heavens service *There is no change to the max number of Phase Amplifier output boosts (max of 2) *This feature can also be used to prevent the Phase Amplifier DS (max boosted state) from shutting down once [h3]The following adjustments were made[/h3] ・Added the ability to jump between the first and last pages when viewing a manual ・Adjusted/added some skill use voices for Sidekick Kumos ・Added Personality  ・Sazanca   ・Forager ・Adjusted some skills and abilities.  ・Helena   ・When the Comet Tail Stellar Skill is used during a Stellar Burst, in some cases the intended result is not achieved due to the buff category overlapping with the Stellar Burst Boost effect    To bring this character up to the intended level of power, we have adjusted the effects of the Stellar Skill and Stellar Burst Boost ability [table][tr][th]Skill/Ability[/th][th]Adjustments[/th][/tr][tr][td]Comet Tail[/td][td]Added a buff effect increase when in Vespers mode[/td][/tr][tr][td]Obtain Ability Stellar Burst Boost[/td][td]Party Staff equipped characters' damage +25% until end of turn changed to[u]User gains Increase damage against Weak Point until turn-end[/u][/td][/tr][tr][td]Enhance Ability Stellar Burst Boost[/td][td]Party Staff equipped characters' damage +50% until end of turn changed to[u]Party gains Increase damage against Weak Point until turn-end[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [h3]Identified Issue[/h3] ・There are cases where the duration for the time limited Chronos Stones sale is displayed incorrectly  Correct: –5/16(UTC) x1  *The issue can be fixed by updating to the latest game version. ・If the Sidekicks manual has already been unlocked, the Sidekicks/Styles manual will not be displayed ・When Stellar Burst is used at a specific timing when only certain Stellar Awakened characters are in the party, the Light/Shadow Gauge may be consumed with no other effects. ・When Felmina Extra Style (Erinys) uses a Skill that would apply Iceburst to enemies and the Skill misses, Iceburst is still applied.  *We have confirmed that all skills aside from the normal attack variation "Shatterglass" have been corrected [h3]Fixed the following issues[/h3] ・In a specific boss battle in Episode: The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III), the boss's Aura may be continuously active if you have a Sidekick in your party. ・In a specific boss battle in Another Dungeon: Entrana, the app may forcibly close under certain conditions ・In the Steam version, the background does not display correctly for certain areas. ・Kuchinawa's Character Quest 3, "Swamp Light," cannot be played ・When Anabel Extra Style (Holy Sentinel) uses Another Force weapon type Lance's Special Attack, an unintended attack animation occurs ・Text and display issues. ・Other small bugs