Ver 3.6.0 Episode:The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III)


[Single player JRPG] Take your cat on a time-traveling adventure!

[table] [tr][th][Important] Regarding Kuchinawa's Character Quests[/th][/tr] [tr][td]An issue affecting gameplay has been found in Character Quest 3, "Swamp Light," for the character Kuchinawa, released in version 3.6.0. As a result, we have disabled access to Character Quest 3 in version 3.6.0. *Kuchinawa's first two Character Quests may be accessed and cleared. *Kuchinawa's Ability Board may be fully unlocked, and all his skills can be learned. This issue will be corrected in a future update.[/td] [/tr][/table] [h2]The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III)[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/81f41b6ce048097197cc0ceed885c99025a568b3.png[/img] Starting Area: Arcadia Base Camp Part 44 of the Main Story must be cleared Episode: The Wings of Destiny (Wryz Saga II) must be cleared The Episode Subquest "Flame Soul" must be cleared [h2]New Encounters[/h2] [h3]Encounter Characters[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39936083/1beb40ed19df68d03aa1aca4fb2e0b6692fa9a57.png[/img] [h2]Update Information[/h2] The app must be updated to version 3.6.0. [h3]Episode[/h3] ・The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III) added ・Added new maps and areas ・Added a new Another Dungeon ・Added new background music [h3]Astral Archive[/h3] ・Added 1 Book related to Episode: The Mists of Myth (Wryz Saga III)  *Astral Tomes' unlock conditions can be checked from the Astral Archive page. [h3]The following Encounters will open.[/h3] [table][tr][th]Fateful Encounter Kuchinawa[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]You can encounter the following 5★ class character at a 10% encounter rate on the tenth encounter. [*]Kuchinawa[/*] Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters [*]Kuchinawa[/*] [u]*Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points.[/u][/td][td][u]Paid only 3 times max Until April 14, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th]Fateful Encounter Magic Secrets Edition[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]You can encounter the following 5★ class character at a 10% encounter rate on the tenth encounter. [*]Kuchinawa[/*][*]Pom Another Style (Venus)[/*][*]Melody Another Style (Medea)[/*][*]Yakumo[/*][*]Iphi[/*][/td][td][u]Paid only 2 times max Until April 14, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][th]Ally Encounter Kuchinawa[/th] [th][/th] [/tr][tr][td]Chronos Stones (Free) can be used. Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters [*]Kuchinawa[/*] [u]*Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points.[/u][/td][td][u]Until April 21, 2024 14:59 (UTC)[/u][/td][/tr][/table] [h3]Added new content to the Replay Story feature.[/h3] ・Episode: The Wings of Destiny (Wryz Saga II) ・Daisy Another Style (Prthivi) *Uncleared quests will not be displayed. *We are planning to add more stories to the Replay Story feature in the future. [h3]Cat Express Ticket Eligible Dungeons added[/h3] ・Wyrmking's Domain (Hard/Very Hard) *By using a Cat Express Ticket, you will not receive EXP or Git from winning battles, or certain drop-amount-limited items. *For items that drop from enemies that respawn continually, you will receive an amount within a fixed range. *Some Dungeons allow you to choose your route. After defeating the bosses that appear at the end of those routes and clearing, you will be able to skip those routes. *Routes that require items or certain conditions to be met to proceed are not eligible for the Skip function. *For Episodes, etc., that give Key Item collection bonuses to certain characters when in the party, these bonuses will not activate when using the Skip function. *The list of Dungeons eligible for Cat Express Tickets is planned to be expanded in the future. [h3]Identified Issue[/h3] ・In some cases the incorrect time was displayed for the 2200 Chronos Stone limited duration when purchasing Chronos Stones.  Correct: –4/11(UTC) x1  *The issue can be fixed by updating to version 3.6.0. ・When Felmina Extra Style (Erinys) uses a Skill that would apply Iceburst to enemies and the Skill misses, Iceburst is still applied.  *We have confirmed that all skills aside from the normal attack variation "Shatterglass" have been corrected [h3]Fixed the following issues[/h3] ・In battle with a certain boss in the Astral Archive, when a battle mechanic activates under specific conditions, it may become impossible to progress. ・In some shops, if you already possess 999 or more of certain items, you will not be able to trade for certain items ・When using Wryz's skill "Fang Rain: Hiryu," when the Sidekick Dragon Child is in Attack type and the [With 3 Swordfang Bond] effect is triggered, under certain conditions the Water type attack may become a Fire type attack. ・In battles with certain enemies, when a battle mechanic activates, it may become impossible to select commands under certain conditions. ・When using skills that grant Barrier Pierce in succession, the Barrier Pierce effect may apply 1 time fewer than intended  ・Sazanca: Intensive Research  ・Ewella Another Style (Oberon): Reflexio ・When attacking after using a skill or ability that applies Barrier Pierce, the Barrier Pierce effect may not be properly consumed ・When upgrading the below Grastas with Dormant Ore, the display may not change  ・Resonant Power (Shadow)  ・Power of Offense (C)/(T)/(S)  *This only affects the display. We have confirmed that the effect applies properly to the whole party. ・When playing an Another Dungeon, if EXP Items or Grasta Alchemic Ores claimed at one time surpass 999, the app may forcibly close when logging in after app restart. ・Text and display issues. ・Other small bugs [h3]The 7th Character Popularity Vote is ongoing![/h3] The 7th anniversary of Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space is coming up on April 12, 2024. We're seven years strong thanks to all of you, and we'll keep on working to make Another Eden the best game out there. From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you. In order to celebrate, we are holding the 7th Character Popularity Vote. This time, you can choose up to five characters, including your Fave. *Your Fave will be shown in a special section when you vote. Maybe one of the many newcomers this year caught your eye, or perhaps your heart belongs to your one-and-only! Be sure to speak up in support of your favorite characters! We are eagerly waiting to see your votes. We will send Chronos Stone x100 to the voters as a token of our appreciation. Voting Period March 21, 2024 3:00 - March 31, 2024 14:59 (UTC)