ver.1.4.0 English Language Update

Monmusu Gladiator

"Monmusu Gladiator" is a simple rogue-lite RPG. Raise the strongest monster girl you can together with your partner, and come out on top of all the tournaments!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40727085/71231f7b945f410655cb7c155c31872d20be6b44.png[/img] The English language update is here! There are also some other changes. [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Increased mouse wheel scroll volume [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] The description of the Shake skill was different only for Bloody Mary. [*] The Twitter share text for losing was the same as the text for victory. [*] The reward screen is not automatically skipped when G is received as a battle reward [*] Artifacts that activate when attacked now activate when recoil damage is taken [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous changes[/h2] [list] [*] The monster girls are now even prettier! [*] Added animations for conditions. [*] The animation playing now switches when you click on the current Monster Girl in the Encyclopedia. [*] "Cleanup" no longer returns any discarded cards to the deck. [*] Skills can no longer be performed while petrified. [/list] Please write a review! It helps our development! The official Discord is here! You can use it for reporting bugs and communicating with other players! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40727085/4ecfcb3a0dfbc6350674f8068f746cce1e2dc716.png[/img]