Valentine's Day Holiday Pack Pre-Patch!

House Party

House Party is an edgy comedy adventure game inspired by classic comedies of the '90s. Every decision changes your story and every character has something to reveal. There’s also a button to take your pants off.

Valentine's Day Holiday Pack Pre-Patch for release at 1PM today 2/14/2024. Plus some fixes: [list] [*] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused guests to show up to the party without appropriate attire. [*] Added reminder text in the customizer to create or select a preset when the Default preset is selected. [*] Only one Holiday Pack can be active at a time now. This only affects decorations and story content. All Holiday Pack clothing items will always be available in the customizer as long as the DLC is installed. [*] Improved main menu lighting and shadows. [*] GBK undershirt is now available for Derek in the customizer if you have the Solar Flare achievement. [*] Optimized story and texture memory usage, which in most cases will result in less memory usage, especially on Potato graphics settings. In some cases memory usage is decreased by 1GB+. [*] Improved loading of characters on the main menu. They now only appear after clothing and textures have been applied. [*] Fixed a couple of issues that would sometimes cause swapping customizer group presets to not work correctly. [/list]