The Free House Party - Valentine's Day Holiday Pack Is Out Now!

House Party

House Party is an edgy comedy adventure game inspired by classic comedies of the '90s. Every decision changes your story and every character has something to reveal. There’s also a button to take your pants off.

Happy Valentine's Day! [previewyoutube=mDFbBWz8Ny8;full][/previewyoutube] Download the completely free [url=][b]House Party - Valentine's Day Holiday Pack[/b][/url] now! Enabling the Valentine's DLC in House Party's DLC Settings will turn the decorations on. And, as long as the DLC is installed, the Valentine's Day accessories will always be available in the customizer! [b]Valentine's Day Decorations[/b] In preparation for this romantic day, Madison has spruced up the house party with some lovely holiday decorations! The decorations include: [list] [*] A Dusky Sky (Well, Madison might not have made that part happen) [*] Heart decorations [*] Balloons [*] Rose Petals [*] Pretty Moths [*] A billion small candles [*] A Valentine's Sheet and Pillow Set [/list] [b]Customizable Clothing Accessories[/b] There are also a few new clothing options available in the customizer. You can now equip characters with the following items: [list] [*] Angel Wings [*] A Valentine Halo [*] A Valentine Headband [*] Heart Glasses [*] Valentine's Choker [/list] [b]Get your new accessories on and enjoy the party![/b] Stay tuned for hairstyle options and custom preset sharing coming soon!