Goose Goose Duck is a game of social deduction for up to 16 players. Players are separated into different groups that are each assigned a different objective. Complete your team’s objective to win!
[h1]New Role: Clown[/h1]
You give other players a high pitched voice during meetings. Repeated usage will kill them. Your tasks are fake.
[*] The Clown Duck has the Helium ability similar to the Party duck, but can be used on several players simultaneously. In the meeting, the affected players will have a high pitch voice. If a previously affected player is Helium'd again, their voice will increasingly more high pitched in the next meeting and they will die during the voting phase.
[*] The Clown Duck will be able to see an icon of a red balloon next to an affected player’s name during gameplay and in meeting. The second time a player is affected, the icon will be a pair of red and blue balloons.
[*] Wheel of Effects Helium effect will contribute to the Clown duck’s Helium’d ability.
Exclusive to the Carnival, replacing the Party Duck.
[*] Filtering for Achievements: Players are now able to filter through their Achievements - Completed and In Progress.
[*] Total Achievement Progress bar - Players can now see an overall progression bar for Achievements in the Achievement Panel, replacing the Player Level bar.
[*] Scrolling through pages in Collections and Achievements works with your Mouse Wheel on PC.
[*] New Hoot & Seek Super Reset ability animation.[/list]
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[*] Esper Duck/Pelican - Esper can no long use their Esper ability from inside the Pelican's stomach after being swallowed.
[*] Stalker Goose - Stalker targets arrow was incorrectly pointing to the Pelican after the Stalker's target met their untimely demise, framing the Pelican as the perpetrator.
[*] Demolitionist Duck - The bomb from the Demolitionist Duck is now correctly activating after meetings conclude, if the bomb was given before the meeting was called. Player’s will have the full timer for the bomb’s activity.
[*] Inability to Change Shirt - Players are able to change shirts in their Collections again.
[*] Collections - Player's no longer encounter what appears to be an empty Collections panel and will be able to see theirs and other's cosmetics correctly.
[*] Hoot & Seek - Super Reset ability animation has been replaced, after encountering a visual glitch, with a new ability animation.
[h1]Device Support[/h1]
[*] Any device with Android 7+ can play the game. Older Android 5 and 6 devices will no longer be able to run the game. Changes had to be done to update Google Play Libraries used (previous one has been deprecated.)