Goose Goose Duck is a game of social deduction for up to 16 players. Players are separated into different groups that are each assigned a different objective. Complete your team’s objective to win!
[h1]New Role: Fortune Teller[/h1]
[*] During meetings you will see the possible killers of the reported body.
[*] In meetings, the Fortune Teller reveals potential killers of the reported avian carcass. These potential killers are indicated by icons in the meeting.
[*] Exclusive to The Carnival.
[h1]Game Updates[/h1]
[*] Survivalist: If the Pelican and Falcon are dead, a countdown begins if the Survivalist is in the final 3 players. [b]Ducks must eliminate the Survivalist[/b] during this countdown or Geese win!
[*] Alternative Rabbit Sabotage: Ticket cost increased from 3 tickets to 6 tickets.
[*] Wheel of Effects: Concussion effect will teleport you to a random location.
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[*] Various bug fixes and optimizations.