試玩版更新 v2.1.4

Legend of Mortal

The game world is set in a turbulent state and the mighty Tang-Man declines. The threats from the old enemies keep coming one after another.As a nobody, will you choose either to leave yourself out of it or to fight for Tang-Man's future and turning the tide? The journey of yours,is unpredictable.

[h3]功能調整[/h3] 遊戲存檔路徑調整為 %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Obb Studio\Mortal\Save [h1]已有正式版的玩家,若要啟動硬碟中的DEMO版本,請先進行存檔備份[/h1] 正式版本的存檔路徑,它是Steam雲端存檔同步的資料夾 %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Obb Studio\Mortal\{SteamId} 如何查找你的SteamId: 個人檔案->帳戶詳細資料->帳戶名稱的下方