版本更新 v1.0.3200.2

Legend of Mortal

The game world is set in a turbulent state and the mighty Tang-Man declines. The threats from the old enemies keep coming one after another.As a nobody, will you choose either to leave yourself out of it or to fight for Tang-Man's future and turning the tide? The journey of yours,is unpredictable.

1.0.3200.2 [b]版本號:可於主標題畫面左下角確認[/b] [h2]功能調整[/h2] [olist] [*]系統:將素材資源包細分,載入效能優化 [/olist] [h2]功能修正[/h2] [olist] [*]立繪:魏菊的立繪設定錯誤(泣) [*]劇情:決戰出發前,與唐衫對話卡死 [/olist]