v2.03 Update


Welcome to Kindergarten! Have fun trying to learn and share...and not die. That's important too. In a school that's just not quite right, it's important to be friendly...and take out those that aren't.

Next bunch of bug fixes coming in hot! Huge thanks to everyone who reported bugs! v2.03 Change Log [list] [*] Fixed exclamation point appearing during secret ending. [*] Fixed money not showing the "$" symbol if system was set to a different language/region. [*] Fixed walls in Nugget Cave to prevent going out of bounds. [*] Fixed being able to leave the bathroom while hall monitor is walking away after giving him cigarettes. [*] Fixed Janitor not appearing in cafeteria during Jerome mission after returning to cafeteria. [*] Fixed Lily having wrong dialogue if you didn't take pills during her mission but failed to find the thing in the office. [/list] Have a good day at school everyone!