v2.02 Hotfix


Welcome to Kindergarten! Have fun trying to learn and share...and not die. That's important too. In a school that's just not quite right, it's important to be friendly...and take out those that aren't.

Here's the next hotfix! Thanks to everyone who reached out and reported bugs. I'm squashing them as fast as I can. The major one here is fixing the sound settings. It should work as intended now. There are a few other minor fixes as well. More to come as needed! Have a good day at school everyone! v2.02 Change Log [list] [*] Fixed sound settings not working properly in game. [*] Fixed Lunch Lady not giving slop during certain dialogue options when she should. [*] Adjusted character movement to not move so fast diagonally. [*] Fixed dialogue overlap during Jerome's mission when returning to classroom. [*] Fixed layering on knife falling into hole. [/list]