v2.0.2 版本更新内容

西部幻想 WestFantasy

Western Fantasy is an independent game based on cowboys and post-modern science fiction. The story takes place in A.D2573, players will play the protagonist "River*Clint" and embark on exciting adventures in the overhead world called the western continent.

1 新增22个版本成就,快来挑战吧~ 2 修复传说野兽【激动山羊】掉落关键道具异常的bug 3 多人决斗宝箱添加说明路牌 4 Boss【靴马翻山-阿消】 走位策略增强 5 木薯岛部分商店NPC背景图优化 6新月北城和南城分别增加了一个篝火存档点,没办法,地图有点大。 7修改了一些错别字。