v2.0.1 Bug修复说明

西部幻想 WestFantasy

Western Fantasy is an independent game based on cowboys and post-modern science fiction. The story takes place in A.D2573, players will play the protagonist "River*Clint" and embark on exciting adventures in the overhead world called the western continent.

1 新手教学期间捡道具卡肉优化,遇到概率很低,朋友们可以重开,很抱歉,现在还没有很好的解决办法。 2 多人决斗宝箱无法开启,已修复 3 新月南城的搅基亲嘴士兵,经群友投诉已分手 4 【传说之塔】添加提示木板。 5 修复Boss[靴马翻山-阿消]使用摇光剑时特效丢失的bug