v139445: Hot fix


Realistic, immersive, breathtaking. WARNO is the ultimate World War III battle simulator from the masters of strategy, Eugen Systems. A Cold War turns decisively hot as you command hundreds of units on a beautiful and brutal battlefield. Outsmart, outfight, and lead your forces to total victory.

[h3]Code fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a critical error when launching the game. [*]Fixed multiplayer crash caused by aircraft [*]Fixed crash on some towed units[/list] [h3]Nato forces[/h3] [list] [h4]France[/h4] [list] [*][b]COMMANDOS DE L'AIR[/b] : trait [b]Airborne[/b] added, Added [i]Forward Deployment[/i] trait, veterancy bonus fix[/list][/list] [h3]Pact forces[/h3] [list] [h4]USSR (СССР)[/h4] [list] [*][b]DSh. MOT. RAZVEDKA[/b] : Price decreased 90 to 50 [b]76-YA OG VOZDUSHNO-DESANTNAYA DIVIZIYA[/b] [list] [*][b]DESANT. PULEMETCHIKI[/b] : base Veterancy decreased from XP2 to XP1[/list][/list] [h4]German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)[/h4] [list] [*][b]All Mi-24D [AT 1] & [AT 2] [/b] : number of card set to 1, availability per card set to 2 [/list][/list]