V1034 Community Test: Update #03


From one of the developers behind the original Rainbow Six® and Ghost Recon® games, comes a thinking-man's first-person shooter featuring in-depth character and weapon customization. Take your time. Think ahead. Get the job done.

We have another update for the Community Test beta branch, where we're testing upcoming release V1034 of GROUND BRANCH. First time hearing about it? We got you covered: [quote][h3]❓ How to join the [b]Community Test[/b] beta branch[/h3] [list] [*]Right-click GROUND BRANCH in your Steam Library and select [b]Properties…[/b] [*]Click 'BETAS' on the left-hand list menu [*]Select '[b]communitytest - Community testing branch[/b]' from the drop-down menu [i]([u]no password required[/u])[/i] [/list]Steam will begin downloading the files for the testing branch. Patching may take a while.[/quote][quote][h3]🐞 [b]Where to report bugs[/b][/h3] You can report bugs and issues using any of these methods: [list] [*] The in-game [b]Bugs & Issues[/b] screen (press Esc once in-game and look along the top menu) [*] The Steam forums: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/16900/discussions/]steamcommunity.com/app/16900/discussions/[/url] [*] The [b]#bug-reports[/b] channel on the official [url=https://discord.com/channels/152529936719151104/475872902206455809]GROUND BRANCH™ Discord[/url] [/list]Your reports help us locate and fix issues faster, so keep them coming![/quote] [h1]Known issues[/h1] 🚧 [i]These issues are known to still be present:[/i] [list] [*] Enemy AI may be unresponsive/idle/stuck in various contexts — if you see it, please make note of whether it was online (dedicated server? Listen server?) or offline, which game mode was being played, as well as map and location etc.[quote]⚠️ Bots are particularly prone to getting stuck in doorways; we're actively working on fixing/improving this issue.[/quote][*] Changing directions (WASD) with a primary weapon equipped will cause visible "hitches" in the weapon movement [*] Weapon movement, poses and animations in general are still being put back together after the prone overhaul — please bear with us [*] Leaning is bound to feel particularly strange, due to the combo of new poses and the ongoing animation work (all WIP) [*] Walking or running with a primary weapon equipped causes the character's right foot to "hover" before it actually touches the ground [*] The prone stance does not conform to terrain angle [*] Aiming (ADS) with a pistol while crouched is offset to the right [*] Character and weapon collision while prone is pretty finicky! Let us know how it all feels to you [*] The [b]Tablet[/b] (map) is currently offset to the bottom while crouched, and unusable while prone [*] Various combinations of hairstyles and headgear items have visible clipping or overall jankiness [*] The [b]SA58 OSW[/b] does not have correct reload animations hooked up [/list] [h1]Patch notes[/h1] [h2]DirectX dialog[/h2] Upon launching the game, a dialog should now pop-up for players to choose between [b]DX11[/b] (the default option) or [b]DX12[/b], with a checkbox to always use your choice (and not ask again). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/4016748/d224a5ba577b295831d73cb4e9252cfa63a3ce6c.png[/img] We recommend players to try both options and see if there are differences in performance. If you can, report back to us with your results and system specs! [quote]⚠️ You may need to restart Steam to see this option.[/quote][quote]⚠️ DX12 may cause the game to crash upon exiting.[/quote] [h2]AI[/h2] [list] [*] Stopped AI auto-spawning at AI spawn points when levels load [*] Fixed a bug where AI would have too much accuracy for the first shot [*] Made sure to shoot 100% accurate when the AI intends to miss a shot [*] Fixed an issue where Veteran AI would be unresponsive [*] AI settings reaction time will always be above 0 (override INI settings if necessary), otherwise it will break [*] Tweaked accuracy settings for AI for all difficulty levels [*] Tweaked time it takes for AI to aim at their target [*] Fixed a bug where AI in status Idle could go back to unarmed after engaging an enemy/hearing a gunshot [*] Increased and/or added random delays for various AI actions so they don't happen at the exact same time for multiple AI [*] Fixed an issue where AI could go back to unarmed after witnessing another being killed right next to it [*] Added randomization to movement when losing sight of target, now either walks, jogs or sprints (sprint has lowest probability) [/list] [h2]Customization and inventory[/h2] [list] [*] Cleaned up some more fit/clipping issues with hairstyles, beards and the [b]Ghillie Hood[/b] (still work to do) [*] [b]Ball Cap (Reverse)[/b] now uses regular Head (Center) patch selection rather than callsign patch [*] Minor color tweaks to black [b]Hiking Boots[/b] skin [/list] [h2]Audio[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed [b]Galil ARM[/b] missing third-person sounds [*] Rearranged main menu music to be a better loop [*] Bombs in Defuse game mode now have beeping sound [/list] [h2]UI[/h2] [list] [*] Minor cleanup on loading screen elements: [list] [*] Server names should no longer overrun game tips (needs testing for edge cases) [*] After-Action Review (AAR) insertion upon going back to main menu should no longer have a white border around it [/list] [/list][h2]General fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Changed PhysMat type for [b]Creek[/b] embankment meshes to fix footsteps sounding like wood board flooring [*] Fixed missing friendly name tags in [b]Ready Room[/b] and (when selected) play area [/list] [hr][/hr] [h1]⭐ A little message from BlackFoot Studios[/h1] First and foremost, we'd like to thank all testers for putting up with an unholy amount of bugs to help us get GROUND BRANCH V1034 in shape for the release. Your feedback, reports and patience are all greatly appreciated! We'd also like to extend a massive [i]thank you[/i] to everyone who has helped keep our ambitious little project afloat by purchasing copies, keeping servers running, discussing the game, leaving comments and feedback, engaging in the community, creating content or simply enjoying the game alone or with friends. We couldn't keep it going without your support. Lastly, we'll be easing up on the work hours during the holidays, so you won't be seeing any new updates until the New Year (unless we get an unexpected showstopper, at least). And on that note… [i]Happy holidays from everyone at BlackFoot Studios![/i] We'll see you in 2024. [hr][/hr]