v1.5.65.195 Hotfix Now Live

[h1]Hey there, Action Heroes![/h1] We hope you’re enjoying our most recent weapons update for our fourth anniversary which brought the all-new weapon category, the Drum Gun, to Pistol Whip. Since the update, you’ve been writing to us about the bookshelves in ‘Halloween Party’ no longer functioning as intended, so today we are releasing a very small hotfix to address this issue! As always, your feedback and bug reports are valuable! Feel free to reach out to our support team [url=https://pistolwhip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new]here[/url] or post your feedback in our [url=http://www.pistolwhip.gg]Discord[/url] anytime. Love, Cloudhead Games [h1]Pistol Whip "v1.5.65.195" Update Changelog:[/h1] [list][*] Fixed an issue where bookshelves would not properly affect enemies in 'Halloween Party'[/list]