Celebrate the Launch of Elixir of Madness! with a Halloween Party!

[h1]Are You Ready to Take a Sip, Cool Cat? The Elixir of Madness! Collection is Here![/h1] [previewyoutube=Ih3eGmRbyNM;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]Three Frightful New Scenes![/h1] Three frightful new Scenes will be unleashed over the next few weeks, with the first one available today! Make your way through a spooky mansion to the tune of Halloween Party by Odd Chap and take on the terrifying foes within. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35882631/9c5e44b614082132cf8cb71398e630c8cce2f71a.gif[/img] [h1]New Modifiers![/h1] Three new Modifiers have been added to Pistol Whip! You will find them in the Styles Menu, old chap. [b]Laser Pointer:[/b] Adds a laser sight to the gun. Aim-assist disabled. [b]Glitch: [/b]Shoot the glitch target on select enemies, or it shoots back. [b]Graze: [/b]Dodge bullets at the last second to gain points. Be sure to also swing by the gun case and make use of the dreadful new weapon models and wraps at your disposal. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35882631/0dc2cf2969fc0424d89694e8ed083680e1e53c55.gif[/img] [h1]Interactable Props![/h1] Last but not least, fight your way through these Scenes in style! A new in-game mechanic will allow you to interact with these phantasmagorical Scenes in a way never before seen in the Pistolverse! Additionally, we’ve updated the Arcade Menu to make it even easier for you to navigate all the Scenes now available in Pistol Whip. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35882631/3fc0f4d96434cf4374b92e8d993b94c9ff80548c.gif[/img] Thank you for your love and support, Heroes! With love and ghastly delights, Cloudhead Games [h1]Pistol Whip 'Elixir of Madness!' Changelog[/h1] [list] [*] Added 3 new weapon skins: Bone Bludgeon (Melee), Tommy Gun (Burstfire), Sawed-Off Shotgun (Boomstick) [*] Added 3 new weapon wraps [*] Added 3 new game Modifiers: Graze, Glitch, Laser Sight [*] Added content in preparation for the Elixir of Madness! Collection [*] Added Interactable Props [*] Minor UI Improvements [*] Refactored the Arcade System [*] Weapon models now have a default assigned SFX [*] General bug fixes and performance improvements [/list]