V1.5.1 has Arrived! Noteable Changes can be Found Here:

[h1]Fixes[/h1] [h3][b]Fixed multiple save data issues on all platforms. Due to this being a save data issue, old save data will no longer work on Version 1.5.1 (and future updates). Unfortunately since this issue was resulting in a practically unplayable game for some users, it needed to be fixed, invalidating all old data. However, if you would still like to play on your old save data you can use the following steps: [/b][/h3] [h3][list] [*] Find [i]The Acorn Bounty[/i] in your steam library [*] Right Click on it and click "Properties" [*] Click "Betas" [*] Opt in to the branch titled "v1-5-0" [/list][/h3] [h3]You will now be able to play using your old save data. You can opt in to new updates at any time by going back and unselected the branch. (titled "None"). I am very sorry for this inconvenience but I was not left with a choice that could benefit everyone.[/h3] [h1]Other Fixes[/h1] [h3][list] [*] Fixed collider issue in level 3-4 [*] Fixed some typos in dialogue and credits [*] Fixed the skip dialogue button to correctly show up when the dialogue actually starts [*] Fixed an issue where Phillip(bat) would get stuck in the wall or ceiling and vanish forever [*] Fixed an issue where the Level 1 level name would show incorrectly when starting the game (level select) [/list][/h3] [h1]Changes[/h1] [h3][list] [*] Balanced Fun Guy's Bubble health slightly [*] Changed the boss battle: Now when Karen gets to her last phase, only 1 platform will remain [*] Changed the credits to scroll a bit faster [*] You can now hold right into pipes instead of having to re-touch it to enter [*] Added a kill counter for each (killable) beastiary entry [*] Added a small delay to invalidate a bullet once it hits the ground This is to reduce the "that should've dealt damage" feeling with some shots, and gives some leniency when shooting enemies. [*] Added a special change related to Prickly Pete that can only be discovered through sheer determination [/list][/h3]