v1.2 - The 'Dark Arcana' Update is LIVE!

The Manse on Soracca

Tasked with finding a lost woman, private investigator Herbert Castaigne sails to the mysterious, fabled island of Soracca where he finds an imposing mansion. What he finds inside will change his life forever... as it will change yours.

Hello all! And welcome to our first major update since releasing on Steam! With this update, I aimed to make several modifications based on feedback I've received from the community in regards to the game's progression, difficulty, game feel, and replay value. Below you will find a full list of changes. [h2]New features[/h2] [list] [*] Key Ring: All keys have now been consolidated into one item, the Key Ring. When you pick up a new key, it will be added to your ring. Using this item in front of a door will cause the door to open if you have the appropriate key. No more fumbling through slots 4 & 5! Additionally, two more keys have been added to the game; find them to fill out your Key Ring and earn an achievement! [*] Quaking Totem: A secret upgrade for the Tremor Totem has been added! This upgrade will increase the spread and overall breaking power of the Totem. [*] Noltholi's Halo: This new item will provide a moderate amount of illumination in dark areas, along with highlighting pickups in the current room. It may have some other uses as well.. [*] Inspect zones will now display an arrow if there is more text to read, and a set of ellipses if you have exhausted that zone's information. Additionally, inspect zones now reset when you walk away from them. [*] Players can now skip the game over screen by pressing inspect or use. [*] Three new achievements have been added, two of which are secret. Get hunting! [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Adjusted some colliders to allow players easier access to tight passages [*] Title screen now displays all options rather than giving vague instructions [*] Start up screen will now give more direction instructions in the case of odd errors [*] Doors are now animated [*] Gave new sound effects to certain objects [*] Modified some doors to accept different kinds of keys [*] Modified elements of the GUI [*] Changed the design of Lake Hali to fix the moire pattern effect [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that locked players out of certain dialogue screens [*] Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through certain statues [*] Fixed a bug that caused the safe to display its digits off-screen [*] Fixed a bug that caused certain dialogue sequences to end too abruptly [*] Fixed a bug that disallowed players from leaving certain areas [/list]