v1.2 Sewers Update Beta

Draft of Darkness

Draft of Darkness is a survival horror RPG with deck building and roguelike dungeon exploration. Recruit allies, synergize their decks to create powerful card combos. Manage your limited resources and explore procedurally generated maps to determine the story's outcome.

Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce that the v1.2 update is moving to beta testing. If you would like to try out the update and help test it before release, you can do so by switching to the [b]testing[/b] beta branch! Check out this cool new trailer! [previewyoutube=Nv6gMfPYQWA;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Localization[/h2] Draft of Darkness now supports localization! This means that the technical changes required for translating the game are finally in place. Translations are still in progress. Currently, I'm relying on machine translation and looking for volunteers who will participate in the community effort to complete the translation of Draft of Darkness into different languages. If you are interested in contributing, please contact me via our [url=https://discord.gg/xuwsEPF]Discord Server[/url]! I will be notifying those who have already contacted me before, as well. The languages that will, at the very least, receive machine translation include: Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38574914/d5b91ebba168d0410e6edbf6e52fdd389495d65c.png[/img] [h2]What's New?[/h2] I can't wait to discuss the additions in detail upon release. For now, here's a quick list of what's new: - [b]The Sewers Area:[/b] You can now start your runs in the Sewers instead of the Residence. The Sewers are filled with 6 new enemies, 3 new bosses, acidic hazards, and unique events. - [b]Challenge Mode:[/b] A new mode where you can complete specially designed runs, ranging from boss rushes to time trials. - [b]Custom Mode:[/b] A new mode that allows you to create runs with custom modifiers and goals. Modifiers will increase or decrease the credits you earn at the end of runs. - [b]New Content:[/b] A variety of content has been added, including 23+ new decision events, new epic moves unlockable with challenge gems, and more! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38574914/5234d1f19bc0fe6170ef68739141ed57e32f65bd.png[/img] [h2]v1.2 Release[/h2] My goal is to wrap up the translations, iron out any bugs from developing the localization system and integrating the new features, and add in some final touches I've been planning. I'm targeting to roll out the update in a month. Currently aiming for March 25th (tentative). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38574914/6f51a7f5af4e9eee2ef4c617b9e77f21291f12a8.jpg[/img] [quote][b]Warning:[/b] If you decide to play the Beta and switch to the testing branch, your main save file will be upgraded to the new version. Either backup your save file before switching, or do not switch back to the main branch until the Beta ends. Otherwise, your save file will be corrupted.[/quote] [quote][h2]Update Notes for Patch v1.2[/h2] [h3]Mechanics[/h3] * [u]Custom Mode:[/u] A new game mode where modifiers can be added to create runs with custom rules. Rules can be "codes", which modify the run parameters (ex. Bigger ares, no shops, starting health...); and they can be "goals", which can be achieved during the run. Rules have credits multipliers that add to the run's credits prize. * [u]Challenge Mode:[/u] A new game mode with specially designed custom runs. Successfully completing challenges gives "Challenge Gems", which can be spent in the Credits Shop to unlock new content. * Added an unlock notification screen showing when something is unlocked. * Separated the credits shop into categories. Added a new category for unlocks. * Changed the "run time" to be turn-based. The achievements looking at the real-time timer now considers the turn based timer instead. [h3]Content[/h3] * New area added: Sewers (as first area) (can be unlocked with Challenge Gems). * Added challenges: "Boss Rush", "Boss Duo Rush", "Dark Escape", "Extermination Team", "Long March", "No Time to Shop", "Punching Jake", "The Darkness Prowls", "Trouble in Sewers", "True Hardcore", "Valkyrie's Revenge", "You Need to See the Doctor". * Added custom rules: "Big Areas", "Darkness Level at Area Start", "Strong Encounter Count", "Encounter Count", "Starting Energy", "Starting Health", "Goal: Victory", "Goal: Time Trial", "Loot Count", "No Terminals", "Recruit Count", "Shop Count", "Small Areas", "Vision Range". * 23 new Decision Events are added: "Novice Robot", "Scanner Machine", "Chained Cupboard", "Bloodied Mirror", "Trickster 2", "Gumball Machine", "Slimy Bag", "Altar of Darkness", "Iron Maiden", "Electric Cable Hazard", "Automatic Teller Machine", "Pile of Rubble", "Punch Machine", "Shape Sorter", "Sewage Pipe", "Hidden Arrows", "Old Clothes Dispenser", "Locked Fence", "Tree Roots", "Purification Machine", "Darkness Filled Corridor", "Secret Stash", "Newspaper Machine". * 6 new normal enemies are added (Sewers): "Spitting Prowler", "Bloodthirsty Prowler", "Night Prowler", "Sewer Crawler", "Grunge", "Newborn Zombie". * 3 new bosses are added (Sewers): "Sewer Disease", "Sewer Walker", "Impending Nightmare". * 1 new unarmed Rare Run move added: "Think". * 12 new "Epic" run moves are added (can be unlocked with Challenge Gems): "Desperado" (Pistol), "Assassin's Prowess" (Knife), "Uprising" (Syringe), "Seraph's Vision" (Flashlight), "Unbreakable Will" (Axe), "Lock and Load" (Shotgun), "Paired Entanglement" (Dark Weapon), "Sticky Situation" (Spray Gun), "Lick Wounds" (Chainsaw), "Bolt: A.I." (Crossbow), "Master Stance" (Shield). [i]Changes[/i] * (Card/Shield) Shield Cake: Dmg per block 0.25x->0.2x (+1: 0.5x->0.4x) * (Item/Consumable) Crowbar: Rarity: Epic->Rare. Max drop count: 1->2. [h3]Utility[/h3] * Added localization support. * Added initial language choices (translations pending): English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish. * Partial machine translations are being added. * Added support for importing translations through Google Spreadsheets. * Default fonts are changed to fonts that are more suitable for localization. Alternative fonts are added for Chinese, Japanese and Cyrillic characters. * 2 new music tracks are added: "Sewers Encounter", "Sewers Boss". * Added visual effects for Stealth condition. * Changed encounter condition inflict & decay animations to show icons instead of names. [/quote]