v1.2.0 - New level pack, paintbrush, and more!


Liquidum is an aquatic logic puzzle game, where you strategically fill interconnected aquariums across six challenging sections with unique mechanics.

Hey there divers! We just released a new major update with several exciting changes. Check them out: [h3]New level pack![/h3] We have a brand new free level pack, [b]Cryptic Caves![/b] It comes with 10 hand-crafted levels with a common theme, a new achievement and an unlockable endless generator at the end. Hope you enjoy ❤ [h3]Paintbrush![/h3] That's right, one of the most requested features from our community, finally implemented! We have added a new "paint" feature that you can use to mark cells or otherwise help you solve harder puzzles. Use it however you wish! You can find it at the bottom-right of brush-picker. Let us know what kind of improvements you'd like to see for this new feature so we can tune it for all different playstyles. [h3]And more![/h3] - Better visualization of aquarium hints - Improved game performance considerally (specially on mobile) - Fixed usability on Steam deck - Several bugfixes - Several visual improvements [h3]Changing how we create new free content[/h3] We've decide to change the way we release new free content. Up until now we've been releasing free level packs as free DLC, an experiment we've been making based on some feedback we had from other developers on how Steam informs players about game updates. We've gather some stats, listened to a lot of feedback from our players, and starting with this new level pack, we'll switch the experiment to release new free packs [i]directly as an update[/i], no store page whatsoever. We'll still not sure if this will be the best approach to get as many players aware when we release new content, but same as the previous experiment, we'll be checking the numbers and how our community reacts from time to time, and be open for changes as we go. Let us know on our Discord what you think of this! For now, we'll be hiding the store page for the previous free DLC (Small&Tricky and Mirrors). Don't worry, they will be automatically showing at everyone's game, no matter if you got the DLC before this or not, alongside the new level pack. Lastly, we've made a few levels of our paid DLC, [b]Femme Fatale[/b], [i]free to play[/i] to anyone that hasn't got it yet. We will do this for every future paid DLC, that way you can get a taste of the content before deciding to buy it or not. Speaking of which, if you haven't checked it out yet, consider buying our premium level pack! It's the best way to continue supporting us in improving Liquidum as much as we can! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2861770/Liquidum__Femme_Fatale/?utm_source=liquidum&utm_medium=update120 Thank you all for the support, and if you haven`t already, come join us on our [url=https://discord.gg/vDT8F4gGZE]dedicated Discord server[/url]! Stay hydrated, Liquidum team