v1.0.7: Player Feedback + Polish Updates

Grapplers: Relic Rivals

Engage in fast-paced local PvP matches while unearthing ancient relics and harnessing their power to conquer your rivals. Dodge deadly traps, utilize your grappling hook, activate mystical runes, and master each relic to defeat your opponents and reign victorious in this thrilling PvP platformer!

[list] [*] Displaying the number of coins to win on the UI. [*] Adding VFX and SFX to stalactites when they hit players. [*] Adding effect trails to projectiles to make them easier to see, and to make it easier to tell which character spawned the projectile. [*] Adding a smoke cloud effect when turrets fire for increased visibility. [*] Adding a trail of VFX to players in the lead by a decent amount, or ones that are close to winning. [*] Adding the option to rematch from the win screen. [*] Updating the default match options for slightly quicker, more coinsplosion-y matches. [*] Increasing the max number of coins to win, and making the slider track it in multiples of 5 instead of 1. [*] Making smoke traps slightly less opaque. [*] Making the Sightbreaker Charm relic also remove the grappling hook indicator. [/list]