[*] Intrepid explorers have discovered a new location in Chillwind Ascent!: Astral Terrace.
[*] Adding a screenshot of the final frame of the match to the win screen to capture that epic moment you triumphed over your rivals... and for extra bragging rights.
[*] This screenshot will also be saved in the screenshot folder (See below), but gets overwritten each time a match is completed. You must copy it elsewhere before completing another match if you wish to immortalize it.
[*] Adding Steam screenshot integration - Share some cool pictures!
[*] Default Steam hotkey: F12
[*] Default screenshot location: %localappdata%\GrapplersRelicRivals\Screenshots
[*] Adding a grappling hook indicator to show where it will hit (And an option to disable it).
[*] Character select beautification pass.
[*] Making LB/RB work for menu navigation on the level and biome select screens.
[*] Fixing a bug where crumble platforms could be triggered by jumping up to them from the bottom.
[*] Making crumble platforms trigger if hit by stalactites or projectiles.
[*] Adding an option to show a warning when a boulder falls. This defaults to false (ie, no change in behavior).
[*] Adding landing dust to boulders.
[*] Adding "Hold Y" to the ready text on the character select screen for extra clarity.