v1.0.1 Small Patch ✰

Night Loops

Journey through the psyche… Welcome to the Seaside Hotel, where the final hour of your night shift awaits. Tend to guests, explore their dreams, and lose your sense of Self – time and again. In this dark, labyrinthine adventure, unravel the path to the truth below.

Hey everyone, First off, thanks for supporting us through launch week! I really can’t express how grateful I am. Today we’ve made a small patch to update to v1.0.1. [list] [*] Fixed escape shortcut bug in Saved Game Files screen [*] Added more detail to Ballroom’s upper stage rug (realized this looked a little odd!) [*] Added Segyero to the credits [/list] Also started on getting the Psychic Duck mask to show on Discord activity, but I wasn’t able to finish this up in time for this update. (EDIT: this works now!) In other news, we are excited to announce our participation in Steam Scream: The Revenge, starting from today, October 26th, and ending on November 2nd. Make sure to check us out, as well as all of the other amazing games featured! As always, let us know about any bugs you may find in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1826060/discussions/]discussions[/url] or in the [url=https://discord.gg/Ys8FDuSWjH]discord[/url]. Until next time! - J P.S. Spooky season is finally here!