◆ August Update and Tiny Teams! ◆

Night Loops

Journey through the psyche… Welcome to the Seaside Hotel, where the final hour of your night shift awaits. Tend to guests, explore their dreams, and lose your sense of Self – time and again. In this dark, labyrinthine adventure, unravel the path to the truth below.

Hey there! Today we have a rather unique update ~ I’m pleased to let you know that we’ve officially completed the process of redoing all our key art! If you’re a fellow lurker like myself, you may have already noticed a few of the changes on our outside skin. Here’s what our new full key art looks like: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42321817/1199818bd10ff817f58a1dccfee2884ab786e87c.png[/img] And for comparison, here’s our old one: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42321817/3f93ccfbbe39797c521631591406cf6401a1766e.png[/img] The idea came a few months ago. It started with a bit of soulsearching on how we could better speak to the story/VN qualities of the game, as well as to its pixel art style. We really wanted to feature Rin, the MC, and naturally the mirror image of Myne fell quietly into place. Let me know what you think too! And, until August 10, we’re thrilled to be taking part in Yogscast’s Tiny Teams 2023 festival, which also includes a bunch of other wonderful games from either solo-devs or micro-studios. If you haven’t already, check them out! On the dev side, I’m doing one last pass over all the dialogue + story. That’s still all in progress, so I’ll keep you posted on how that goes next month. Much much more to come, see you then ✰ - J P.S. we’re also planning an update to our icon too! Will show you that in September as well (would you already happen to have an idea of what it might be? A small hint is that it’ll be one of our masks…) Stay tuned!