
Cat God Ranch

Lead hundreds of "wise" little animals to pay tribute to the Cat God!! 7 animal families, 100+ animals, 10+ Cat Gods, 100+ items, and various animal combinations waiting for you to explore!

[h1]Fix:[/h1] [list] [*]Fix the problem of protecting cubs don't taking effect [*]Fix the problem that running wheel don't taking effect [*]Fix the problem that nocturnal animals will appear in daytime when skipping animation [*]Fix the issue that reindeer's ability doesn't take effect when it's on the fishing net [*]Fix the problem of discount card price display. [*]Optimize the skill of Cat God Dicey, now it will take effect immediately when modifying the timing ability. [*]Fix the issue that Cat God Lillia can't protect fed animals [*]Fixed resolution setting problem of individual monitor. [/list]