5 days after launch, we’ve reached 20,000 sales!

Cat God Ranch

Lead hundreds of "wise" little animals to pay tribute to the Cat God!! 7 animal families, 100+ animals, 10+ Cat Gods, 100+ items, and various animal combinations waiting for you to explore!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44893788/720852532b48c34e54474203c4b1653bc8067a0a.jpg[/img] Our game has been live for 5 days now, and we are so grateful for all your support and love. Over the past few days, we’ve received a ton of feedback and suggestions from players (and, of course, some bugs...). Many of these have already been updated and fixed! Since our team consists of just 3 people, and we only have one programmer (who is already losing his hair), we kindly ask for your patience. We’re doing our best to update and optimize the game as quickly as possible! Thank you again for all your support. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to fill them in the document below. We will review them promptly and update the game as soon as we can! [h2] [url=https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DUFJmbHFIcEtPZ3RI?tab=BB08J2]FeedBack Doc[/url][/h2]