V0.99 Patch Notes


Fraypace is a local multiplayer top-down space arena shooter for up to 8 players. Choose your fighter, select your weapon, and enjoy the fast-paced and physics-based action with friends or AIs in fully destructible maps.

[h1]New Features:[/h1] [list] [*]In-game video tutorials. [*]New Arena map with new hazard (reflection blob). [*]New power-up that enhances the gaussgun (primary weapon). Out of three enhancements, one is randomly chosen each time a player picks up this power-up. [/list] [h1]Changes:[/h1] [list] [*][b]AI[/b]: AI’s take movement of hazards into account when flying to prevent collisions. [*][b]Physics/Performance/Gameplay[/b]: Resolution of the destructible terrain (not visually) slightly decreased to avoid situations where very small hard to see pieces of terrain remains. Also improves the performance in situations where a lot of explosions cause destruction at the same time. [*][b]Physics[/b]: Ship bounciness increased slightly. [*][b]Gameplay[/b]: Tracking projectiles have now max range – if exceeded, tracking is stopped and the projectile continue forward. [*][b]UX[/b]: Input handling switched from XInput to SDL2 to allow more than 4 controllers to be used simultaneously. [*][b]UX[/b]: Controller disconnected message is shown and game is paused in any menu if there was only one controller connected. [*][b]UX[/b]: Controller disconnected message is shown and game is paused in player settings screen and while in the matches if a controller of any joined player disconnects. [*][b]UX[/b]: Player settings screen: when pressing back button, confirmation is asked to prevent accidentally going to previous menu. [*][b]UX[/b]: Game is paused if Steam overlay is opened. [*][b]UX[/b]: Complete rehaul for menus for easiness of use. [*][b]UX[/b]: Added separate buttons for switching to previous or next map to make browsing faster. [*][b]UX[/b]: Added UI messages in the player settings screen to tell that at least one human player and at least two players in total are required to start a match, and that four human players is the maximum when playing in split-screen (non-Chaos mode). [*][b]Settings[/b]: More options for the frag and time limits. [*][b]Settings[/b]: Modifiable kickback multiplier (the amount of force applied to ship when it shoots). [*][b]Settings[/b]: Modifiable respawn time. [*][b]Settings[/b]: There’s now direct access from game mode specific menus to gameplay settings to quickly tweak them before the matches. [*][b]Settings/Visuals[/b]: Option to disable parallax backgrounds completely. [*][b]Settings[/b]: Option to disable hazards. [*][b]Settings[/b]: Option to disable power-ups. [*][b]Settings[/b]: Controls  “Automatic when aiming” is now the default option for how the shooting with the gaussgun is done when using twin-stick controls. [*][b]Visuals[/b]: Color of spitfire weapon was changed from cyan to orange to make it easier to distinguish it from the seek’n’destroy weapon. [*][b]Visuals[/b]: The killer hazard is now bigger to make it easier to distinguish it from the power-ups. [*][b]Visuals[/b]: The power-up objects are now bigger. [/list] [h1]Bug fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]AI players in the same team do not fight each other anymore. [*]No longer possible to fly through map objects in Blockland map while using melter power-up was enabled. [*]Kill messages in the bottom of the screen are now correctly wiped off from the split-screen part of the fourth player (bottom-right) when only 3 players were playing. [*]Nukes now blow up explosive barrels. [*]Music player shouldn’t switch tracks too early anymore. [/list]