v0.73.3 - Depth of Field toggle

[b]v0.73.3 is released.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42616656/115f3ca4e15fa0e7efb3341048f6bac038a57b20.jpg[/img] You can now toggle Depth of Field under ESC > Settings > Graphics: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42616656/a7c3e770e0cdf5973e143c09810fe2258270fc79.png[/img] The 'map' item you get from saving a particular NPC will now be a requirement to reach the final island. Changelog: [list] [*] Add Depth of Field toggle graphical setting [*] Map item is now required to build Dragonboat [*] Map item description changed [*] Fix 'water dispenser' and 'shortcut key' guidebook entries displaying wrong text and video (credits: Cakeshack) [*] Fix alcohol, fruit punch in storage boxes not counting to water counts (credits: shrimpy_nazeem) [/list]