

Orbit is a Multiplayer Platformer game. Customise your own character and battle other Players and/or AI controlled Bots across a variety of randomly generated planets. Gain the advantage by earning XP and looting each Planet before your opponents do!

[b]General:[/b] [list] [*] W + S can now be used to navigate the main menu. E can now be used to select options on the main menu. [/list] [b]Gameplay:[/b] [b] --- Large Changes --- [/b][list] [*] [b] Rework to "Special" stat :[/b][list] [*] Now displayed as "charges" instead of a bar. Using "Special" consumes 1 charge. [*] "Special" now regenerates about 25% faster. [*] Consuming a "Special" charge now has a nice particle effect. [*] Skills now only consume a single charge and last around 5 seconds. [/list] [b][*] Level Up Stats:[/b][list] [*] HP (Green): 5 -> 10. [*] Mana (Blue): 10 -> 20. [*] Special (Red): 12 -> 1/4 of a charge (or 25%). [/list] [b][*] HUD Update:[/b][list] [*] Players can now see their selected Skill on their bar. [*] Players can now see their "red/grey" HP on the main Health bar. [*] Weapon list has been simplified. [/list] [b][*] Battery Weapon Rework:[/b][list] [*] Battery Mana cost (33 -> 30). [*] Battery no longer slows the user when attacking. [*] Storm will now attack consistently when enemies are nearby (both Players + NPCs). [*] Damage caused by the Storm will now grant the caster XP. [*] Friendly clouds will now appear white-ish. Enemy clouds now have a black-ish, thunderstorm appearance. [*] Bots can now start off with the Battery. [/list] [b][*] NPC XP Changes:[/b][list] [*] NPCs now give about 50% less XP from attacks. [*] NPCs now drop an "XP" reward on death. The higher the NPC's Max HP, the higher the XP given. [*] This should overall be an XP buff from NPCs. The aim of this change is to make killing NPCs feel more rewarding. [/list][/list] [b] --- Small Changes --- [/b] [list] [*] Wooden Blade mana cost (35 -> 30). [*] Wooden Blaster mana cost (30 -> 25). [*] Weapon limit decreased from (5 -> 3). [*] Coins to reward weapon reverted back to 20 (down from 25). [*] Level ups now require around 25% extra XP. Level ups will now happen less often but have a larger impact. [*] Minimap now displays planet graphics (Grasslands, Snowlands, Firelands etc.) instead of simple grey blocks. [*] Text now appears when spectating another Player. [*] Names now appear above Players. [*] Attack/Death particles have been improved. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed bug where multiple layers of Lava would be created when Sudden Death starts. [*] Fixed bug where clients could occasionally not level up. [*] Fixed bug where lobby would sometimes not be visible in the search. [*] Fixed bug where certain Customisation options weren't properly changing colour. [*] Fixed bug where certain weapons were incorrectly displaying (clipping through Player's head). [*] Fixed bug where clients could occasionally desync from the host at the end of a round. [/list]