V0.1.19 🐞Bug fix patch

BOTSU: Ridiculous Robots

Fight your friends in hilarious sandbox sports: Boxball, Sumo Survival, and Stockpile. Wrestle your way to victory online or split-screen in unique matches. Unlock outrageous outfits and pull off awesome moves to flex your skills!

[h2]🤔 Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] Steam Deck version crashes when joining a game. The issue doesn’t appear to be from this update, possibly on Steam’s side, as older versions are affected too. Currently investigating. [*] If this happens to you, please let me know on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/885160/discussions/0/4358999171573627297/]this Steam Forum thread[/url] [/list] [h2]🪲 Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed players spawning in wrong places on the Next Match Voting screen and Trophy screen when players changed team or joined/left. [*] Fixed stockpile crowd cheering constantly at full volume. [*] Fixed floor and wall boundary effects not showing. [*] Finally fixed the goal score effect that fills the stadium with the team colour! [/list]