v0.0.2.2 - v0.0.2.4 - Dr K, Stickier Camera, Split Blink/Unlock Inputs, Some Bug

Slime Research

Slimy Puzzle Platforming

A.K.A. “Who has time to release notes with every patch?” [h3]Dr. K[/h3] Allow Dr. K to move to a faraway object to interact with it, unless she is holding something and unable to stretch far enough Prevent Dr. K from interacting with something if… [list] [*] her eyes are closed [*] either hand is already interacting with it [*] Add some visual errors to Dr. K: [/list] [list] [*] Too far, can’t reach [*] Too far vertically, can’t reach even if she walks over [*] Too far given held object, can’t reach or walk to [*] Missing an item, can’t interact [*] Holding an item, can’t interact [*] Collision is blocking interaction [*] Prevent Dr K from dabbing [/list] [b]Misc[/b] [list] [*] Updated many level thumbnails from default focus on Spawn. Tweaked a few levels. [*] When trying to launch Slime Core out of Body, ensure Core can reach a more consistent velocity – Though a good run-up still gets you a bit more height [*] Drastically reduce input strength for Core when out of Body. Pupil movement also nerfed when out of Body. [*] Camera much stickier when slime is not moving, so that it settles down instead of bouncing all over [*] Camera moves towards where Slime Core is looking, if Slime Core is in Body, and is also currently-controlled [*] AI core now properly moves towards/away from you and is no longer invisible while active [*] “Blink” and “Unlock Core” are now separate inputs [*] If collectibles fall out of the world, they respawn [*] In editor, add blue preview of the item(s) to be pasted [*] Misc new debug commands added (LB+RB or F1 to access, not available in Demo) [*] Improved build process so that Steam receives the same version of Slime Research for all platforms, instead of new auto-builds being sent for Windows. Hopefully this (and a minute or two of QA!!!) will prevent bugs from leaking into the public [/list]