Using the codes of text message apps to tell a story

Bury Me, My Love

Bury me, my Love tells the story of Syrian refugee Nour and her husband Majd, as Nour undertakes a perilous journey to safety in Europe.

[img][/img] Could you imagine what a life [b]without[/b] your smartphone would be? It’s probably pretty difficult – or it might even be nightmare material for some. In less than a decade, smartphones have become an [b]absolute central piece of our lives[/b]. They hold our most precious pictures, our beloved tunes, our bank info and other sensitive data… And more than anything else, they allow us to [b]easily and permanently stay in touch[/b] with the ones we love. When it comes to that, text messages is the main tool – some people don’t even know what their phone’s ringtone is, as they always text and almost never call. That’s because texting is great. You may connect with someone who’s miles away and have the most intimate conversations whenever you feel like it, even if you’re in a crowded subway or attending a party. You can decide what you want to say or what you’d rather hide. You can share good news and leave bad ones out, or the other way around. Texting is a very intimate means of communication. [img][/img] Nowadays, most [b]migrants have smartphones[/b] too. For them, it isn’t a luxury; it rather is their only way [b]to stay in touch with their loved ones[/b]. Through text message applications, they may keep their relatives updated on their situation, or seek information to proceed onwards in their journey. Of course, they crack jokes with their folks, and send them emojis and selfies… but three messages later, they might be [b]discussing matters of life and death[/b]. Of course, they wait on agony when a message they’ve sent is shown as delivered but they don’t get any response… but for them, the stakes are often higher than an invitation to prom night. [img][/img] This is the reason [b]why[/b] Bury me, my Love [b]replicates the interface of a mobile messaging app[/b]. Everybody knows what communicating with a loved one through text messages feels like, but it’s more complicated to [b]understand what it feels like[/b] when you’re a migrant, or when your wife is. In this situation, being always connected is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you’re never left not knowing what happens. A curse because if there’s something wrong, you’ll instantly know it… while not being able to do anything about it. [img][/img] If you’ve ever sent a text to someone, you already know how to play Bury me, my Love. And if you’ve ever cried, laughed, gotten mad or felt incredible relief over a text you’ve received, then you already know how this game is going to make you feel.