Bury me, my love celebrates its 2 years anniversary!

Bury Me, My Love

Bury me, my Love tells the story of Syrian refugee Nour and her husband Majd, as Nour undertakes a perilous journey to safety in Europe.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34635421/6b67ae619edf95aefa082e814c1eb9d324515aac.jpg[/img] Bury me, my Love launched on mobile 2 years ago now! Before coming to consoles & PC, Bury me, my love was a mobile game. Created by the studio The Pixel Hunt with the help of Arte/Figs, Bury me, my Love is a Text Messaging Adventure game using an interface close to Whatsapp, a mobile app used by migrants to communicate with their family when they leave. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34635421/8d30315e02b2f2e05e321a84812a9cecd6b774f7.jpg[/img] In Bury me, my love, we follow Nour, a Syrian migrant trying to find her way to Europe. Her husband Majd, who remains behind in Syria, communicates with Nour, advising her as best he can so that she reaches her destination safely. It’s also important to know that the game is inspired by many real experiences lived by migrants. The original idea stems from an article written by Le Monde journalist, Lucie Soullier, telling the story of Dana, a young Syrian woman who fled her country and is now living in Germany. The devteam also discussed with migrants & gather many testimonies about what they had to deal with while they were crossing Europe. Watch the release trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWRUcfXTlpE Let’s go deeper in what the game itself offers. When you play Bury me, my love, you regularly receive text messages of Nour, telling you what she’s dealing with while you can’t really help her directly because of the distance. The main goal of the game will be to advise her through tough choices that migrants sometimes must deal with. If you had the choice, would you cross by the land or the sea? Would you take a boat through Mediterranean Sea facing danger of drowning or starvation or would you use a smuggler who will be asking a lot of money without any guarantee that you’ll do the trip safely? Would you save your money in your socks or close to your belt? Would you take the bus or a flight to go through a country that is considered dangerous? All these questions are commonly lived by migrants, & these choices can often be life/death situations. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34635421/bbbd035bb17f9abecd317a5f66deaae742719bb5.jpg[/img] The purpose of Bury me, my Love is to convey in the most realistic way the daily life of a migrant going across Europe. By making you deal with the same dilemmas they have to deal with, you’ll maybe have a better understanding of what population that migrates face every day. Also, the game has 19 different endings depending on your choices & some are more tragic than others, again to portray in a more realistic way how dangerous the trip can be. After its release, Bury me, my Love had been very well received by press & won many awards. Some of the most notable ones would be the Indie Games Contest by Google Play, the Developer Award at the Indiecade Europe, the Best Work award at the Japan Prize Audiovisual Division Best work among many others. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34635421/13cf6c21d7c4b3e5574276dcf24695b6428401a0.jpg[/img] Even if Bury me, My love is from our old editorial line with Playdius, we’re glad we had the chance to have Bury me, my Love among our games. Following previous games like A Normal Lost Phone that give a take on social & geopolitical issues we face in our society, Bury me, my Love is a unique experience that will leave its audience a mark every time it’s played. If you didn’t get to try Bury me, my Love, you can try it on iOS & Android, Nintendo Switch & PC, you can also add one of these codes to Steam (if you’re fast enough). Thanks for reading! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34635421/c6760f1bde6b762b335a0e33b4caa818f5a2807d.jpg[/img]