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Wartop is a virtual tabletop system created specifically for playing tabletop skirmish and war games. Built from the ground up to handle the specific needs of these kinds of games. A focus on visual fidelity and ease of play.

You may have noticed several small updates over the last couple weeks. We've been busy behind the scenes putting in new features, and fixing some bugs. Let's run through them: [list] [*]A toggle in the options to allow you to change the camera mode. Currently the default camera is a first person flying camera. You can hold down shift so that your camera slides around on the current plane rather than fly up and down. You can now go into the options and swap that behaviour, so that the default is sliding on the plane and holding shift allows you to fly freely. [*]Players names will float above the avatar head [*]You can rotate dice to any face now, just right click the dice and select the face option [*]Save/Load - We've added a save and load for in progress games. This will save all miniatures, attached tokens, other tokens, dice, and terrain. When loading you can choose to load on top of existing assets on the tables, or replace assets with what's in the same. The save will not save out fixed tokens or decks. [*]You can multiselect all kinds of assets now, not just dice. You can also set the colours specifically for all miniatures selected at once, allowing you to quickly swap their colours. [*]We've added a new quick measurement tool. The old one is still there listed as 'waypoints' the new one allows you to just quickly click drag and release. This will measure and then send the measurement to chat. You can also access this with the hotkey 'm' [*]We've added highlights around selected miniatures [*]We've updated the in-game control reference screen to match the one from the main menu [*]Items can be picked up with variable height, just pick up an item, hold down shift and use the mousehweel to adjust the height. This will be saved for the session. [*]The options menu is now accessible from the in-game menu during play [*]Miniatures and objects now lift directly off the table, rather than snap to the mouse. This means they will not drift around on the x,y axis until you move the mouse. [*]Claim Unit Function - You can click a miniature you don't own and then select 'claim unit' to assign this unit to you during play. [/list] Bug Fixes: [list] [*]Made floating tokens larger and easier to read [*]we adjusted the right click menu so that it wouldn't pop up after moving the camera if you happened to end over something that has a right click menu [*]We fixed some issues related to colour replication [*]we adjust the time required to pick up units on a long press. It now picks them up a bit faster [*]We fixed some issues related to using the R key for rolling dice and the G key for marking an indicator on the table while holding multiple items [*]We enabled the send button on the chat UI, previously you just pushed enter after typing and then it sent, now you can click the send button as well if you like. [/list] We've also done a ton of behind the scenes clean-up to enable us to build out more features and currently have a list longer than our arms of things we want to add and build out. So do keep your eyes pealed for more! Also new factions for Revelations: Skirmish were released in the midst of this. Check out our site to find out more.