Revelations: Skirmish Free Starter


Wartop is a virtual tabletop system created specifically for playing tabletop skirmish and war games. Built from the ground up to handle the specific needs of these kinds of games. A focus on visual fidelity and ease of play.

Hello, We have another free starter added to the platform today. This comes in the form of Revelations: Skirmish. If you like big stompy robots in 12mm scale, then this is the game for you. [i] Revelations: Skirmish is a fast-paced, reactive table-top combat game. Each player builds their force of infantry, drones, vehicles, and powerful WarMechs to achieve victory on the battlefield.[/i] Revelations: Skirmish also marks our first game using live stats. Every time you fire up the army builder, it will take a couple of seconds to pull the live unit stats and information directly from their website and make sure what you're using is the most up to date version. It also comes with a selection of buildings, hills, and some scatter terrain groups of trees to build out your map. If you would like to find out more about the game, including lore check [url=]out their main site. [/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/70a386521d8d0b178014776ea9cf3cdb6ac08b53.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/584d9d307fc59574013f35eeef077f6be54ea67e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/dd9c9afa29e46672b20f7020577acd8980f61716.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/39354b0bf7d75f3a24d42f54e151e38c7e9deb29.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/c2df8028a248f0b74cb50113d25518c7abff369b.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44831913/62da7f6a490d6dc8c44dbba817086e0ee05ed1c8.png[/img] Along with this, we have a few minor bug fixes to our recently released Brave Sun starter, and an upgrade to the voice system. Our voice system is currently powered by Epic Online Services. We're using this because the intention is to go multi-platform in the future. We have noticed that the system will occasionally fail to connect voice on join. It doesn't appear to be an issue with Wartop though, so we've added an option to the options menu. This will display your voice connected status and if it's not green you can attempt to force it to connect by clicking the associated button. If it continues to fail to join, there will be an error displayed in the lower right hand corner, you can pass that on to us on our Discord to investigate.