We will be implementing the following price changes for Ys IX: Monstrum Nox and its associated content for customers in Argentina and Turkey regions:
[h3][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1351630/Ys_IX_Monstrum_Nox/]Base Game[/url][/h3]
[*] Current Pricing - 5499 ARS
[*] NEW Pricing - 2499 ARS
[*] Current Pricing - 480 TRY
[*] NEW Pricing - 279 TRY
[h3][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627581/Ys_IX_Monstrum_Nox__Attachments_Bundle/]Attachments Bundle[/url][/h3]
[*] Current Pricing - 919 ARS
[*] NEW Pricing - 439 ARS
[*] Current Pricing - 82.5 TRY
[*] NEW Pricing - 49 TRY
[h3][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627582/Ys_IX_Monstrum_Nox__Monstrum_Troupe_Bundle/]Monstrum Troupe Bundle[/url][/h3]
[*] Current Pricing - 1399 ARS
[*] NEW Pricing - 649 ARS
[*] Current Pricing - 122.5 TRY
[*] NEW Pricing - 69 TRY
[h3][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627580/Ys_IX_Monstrum_Nox__Consumable_Bundle/]Consumable Bundle[/url][/h3]
[*] Current Pricing - 2799 ARS
[*] NEW Pricing - 1299 ARS
[*] Current Pricing - 248.75 TRY
[*] NEW Pricing - 139 TRY
These changes will apply to our game listing on Steam® starting July 9 at 12:00 PM PT.
We also want to apologize to customers who had purchased Ys IX: Monstrum Nox at the previous pricing and want to offer a chance to purchase the game at the new pricing as well. If you had previously purchased Ys IX: Monstrum Nox and wish to take advantage of this update, you must request a refund by July 23 at 5:00 PM PT. You can do so by contacting Steam support through https://help.steampowered.com/. No refund requests will be accepted after this date.
Regarding our limited time Launch Week Special bundle, you must purchase it (or re-purchase if refunded) by July 13, 10:00 AM PT. If you request a refund for Ys IX: Monstrum Nox after July 13, 10:00 AM PT, you will be unable to purchase the Launch Week Special bundle.
Thanks for reading! For the latest updates, please follow NIS America on [url=https://www.facebook.com/NISAmericaInc/]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/nisamerica]Twitter[/url].