Updates to Graphics and Music

While Logan has been huffing away with his regular improvements, Jordan and I backtracked a little bit to improve the look and feel of the first world. For my part, it meant totally changing the ruleset the defines how the world tile sprites appear. So in general the world should look more busy and packed with detail, with fewer barren patches of detail-less sludge. I also added in background tiles to break up some of the monotony. If you played the game before these changes, I'm curious to know how you feel about the changes. As for Jordan... I don't really know what he did, but I'd call it audio magic. He burrowed down deep in his confusing audio software and emerged with a completely revitalized version of the track. We also fixed some of the levels to make them more suitable for babies. Now that we have this build out of the way, we return our gaze to building out the other worlds. -Matt.