[b]RunGunJumpGun 0.1.0-beta – LaughingPup[/b]
[*]New: Crazy trail path behind bullets.
[*]Changed: Levels 'Descentropy', 'Xlabraxian Soda Pop', 'Master Blaster', 'Labsynth', 'I’ll Have One of Everything' moved later for better difficulty curve.
[*]Changed: We changed button-switching so you can hold either button, and it prefers the one most recently pressed. Looking for feedback on this, since it encourages lazy ways of playing (holding the shoot button permanently).
[*]Plus: a bunch of under the hood stuff that isn't visible in game. It makes it easier for us to adjust level order and add new stuff.
Changes from now on will be less frequent and better logged, since we have press people (hi press people! Write good stuff about us!) and other bigshots playing our game and we don't want to bog em down with an update every day. 👌
Okay, have fun. Let us know about dumb bugs, or if you got stumped by a level.