If my calculations are correct (they probably aren't), then this is our 20th patch notes! Wow. We're almost old enough to drink in the US. Or something.
Anyway, just two things today:
[*] The invisible Spirits bug has been fixed! Make sure to update your game, and your Spirits will go from being nonexistent to being very, very existent. Yay!!!
[*] Ossono's Dish of the Day, as well as the wine and beer from the Tavern, weren't actually having any effect on stamina. This prevented people from getting the "She Did Warn You" achievement. But it's fixed now, which means you can eat all the terrible food you want! I hope you all pass out! Yay!!!
Alrighty, that's it. See ya for patch 21!
– Kate, community manager who is extremely legally allowed to drink