Happy holidays, Villagers!
It's winter-time here over on Moonstone Island and that means it's Rawcember day! That means our Publisher, Raw Fury, celebrates all things Moonstone Island. Check out some of the community creations the visitors of our Islands have put together to celebrate the winter season:
A lot of the winter holiday items are available in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2692250/Moonstone_Island_Cozy_Comforts_DLC_Pack/]Cozy Comforts DLC Pack[/url] with things like:
[*] 1 New House Skin - Snowman House
[*] 1 New Rug
[*] 2 New Snowmen
[*] 1 New Snowboard
[*] 4 Icicle Variations
Before we sign off for the holiday break, here's one more photo we wanted to share. Mr. Morris is on an extended holiday, Honestly, he deserves it - it's hard to lay around and be cute on a 24-hour cycle. Instead we bring you Ponyo, a very good girl with a name Fishbo approves of.
Wherever you are, even without the snow, we hope you're staying comfortable and warm <3
~ Studio Supersoft