The first patch for Relentless Expanse is live! Nothing too crazy for this one, but hopefully you all enjoy the changes!
[*] Multiplayer SHOULD be less laggy and more optimized than before, let me know if there’s still issues and I’ll try to optimize it more
[*] Adjusted ship AI so that pathfinding is more predictable, basically ships will now no longer attempt to avoid enemy or neutral planets
[*] Fixed a bug where players could lose if they still had ships but controlled no planets for a brief moment
[*] All of the extra upgrade info for planets is now hidden by default, and holding down “CTRL” on your keyboard will now display that information instead
[*] Updated the “Help” menu when you press Escape so that it gives much more useful information
[*] The loading screen is now some art for Relentless Expanse, and the icon in the taskbar is now the Relentless Expanse icon instead of godot
[*] Various minor UI improvements and replaced many placeholder assets in the main menu and in-game menus
[*] Implemented some new SFX for players winning or losing, defensive platforms being deployed and firing, and a few other things
[*] Added the first steam achievement as a test, more to come soon!