Updated Bat Boy Demo, now available without limitations!

Bat Boy

Ryosuke isn't just your regular high-school kid. He and his fellow sports-star friends secretly battle against the evil invading forces of Lord Vicious, hellbent on hosting sinister athletic events for his own amusement! Ryosuke is Bat Boy!

[h1]Updated Bat Boy Demo Now Available![/h1] [h2]Hello Everyone! As a thank you for your continued support and apprecation for Bat Boy and its development, we are happy to announce that we have updated and released the Bat Boy Demo as a permanent fixture! No longer do you have to wait until the next big event. You can jump in and play the demo to your hearts content, but now with: [list] [*] Optimized performance [*] Improved visuals [*] Less bugs (phew!) [*] Improved and added SFX [*] Cleaner scene transitions [*] Added secrets (oooh!) [*] Improved boss encounters [*] Boss No. 2 has a second phase! [*] And other miscelaneous improvements [/list] Please do let us know how you get along with it, we can only make improvements to the full game with your wonderful support and feedback.[/h2] Drop us a line at: Twitter: @XPlusGames Twitter: @SonzaiGames Discord: http://discord.gg/XABkugKABq Enjoy!